A Birth Injury Caused By Medical Malpractice

Americans have access to some of the finest obstetric care in the world, which makes it all the more tragic when babies or mothers suffer preventable birth injuries.

The caring lawyers at Perry Calder, provide compassionate and effective counsel to parents who are reeling from the discovery that their newborn has physical or mental disabilities. We have successfully sued medical providers in Allegheny County and across Pennsylvania for obstetric malpractice in mismanagement of pregnancy, labor, delivery and neonatal care and received record-setting verdicts and settlements.

Birth injury cases are complex not just from the medical-legal side but also in properly planning for the lifetime of a disabled child. In these complex areas, children deserve the expertise and experience of attorneys who have successfully handled similar cases. Post-settlement or verdict planning is just as important as the lawsuit and no firm will care more about the future of your child than Perry Calder

Was Your Baby’s Injury Preventable?

You and your baby deserve to be compensated for the lifelong hardships if a doctor or nurse is responsible. At a minimum, you deserve to know what happened. Call 412-281-4200 for a free consultation with Pittsburgh birth injury attorneys who get results.

Pittsburgh Birth Injury Lawyers

Our accomplished attorneys have won many verdicts and settlements against obstetricians (OB-GYN doctors) and hospitals for fetal and maternal injuries throughout pregnancy, and for the newborn baby in the days immediately following birth. Examples of what might merit a birth injury lawsuit:

  • Failure to monitor or perform a C-section – The delivering doctor and obstetric nurses must be vigilant for signs of fetal distress during childbirth. A delay in performing an emergency cesarean delivery could deprive the baby of oxygen for precious minutes, causing brain damage or death.
  • Improper technique or force – When a baby gets stuck (shoulder dystocia) or descends feet first (breech), the doctor should know methods to reposition the baby without causing physical trauma or prolonged oxygen deprivation. Poor technique or misuse of forceps or suction can cause nerve damage, brain trauma or broken bones.
  • Cerebral palsy – is a form of brain damage causing motor impairment, sensory problems and/or cognitive deficits. It may not be diagnosed until months later or even toddler age. Cerebral palsy may trace to lack of oxygen to the fetus during pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Erb’s palsy – is paralysis or impairment of the baby’s arm or hand, usually caused by direct trauma to the brachial plexus nerves during childbirth.
  • Dangers to the mother – Mothers and their babies are at risk from failure to diagnose or properly treat pregnancy-induced hypertension (also known as pre-eclampsia or toxemia) or other conditions such as gestational diabetes. The mother must also be monitored for excessive bleeding, blood clots and other life-threatening conditions.
  • Neonatal injuries – Newborns are at risk of permanent injury or death if the nurses or doctors fail to recognize and treat respiratory distress, jaundice and other conditions.

If your obstetrician informed you that your pregnancy was progressing normally but your child was born with disabilities with no identified genetic cause then you should consult the lawyers at Perry Calder in order to get the answers you deserve. 

We Take Care Of Your Family’s Long-Term Needs

Children with cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy and other birth injuries have limitations and special needs. Some patients benefit from surgery, physical therapy, medications and other treatments, and many times the disabilities and care needs are lifelong. The medical malpractice team at Perry Calder, is committed to helping you cover those massive expenses and improve the quality of life for your child. Through litigation, we also encourage medical providers to adopt measures to prevent future tragedies. There is no cost to you to explore your suspicions of medical negligence. Call our Pittsburgh law office at 412-281-4200 or use our online form to tell us what happened and arrange a free case evaluation with experienced and compassionate attorneys.

Perry Calder – A Successful Record In Birth Injury Lawsuits

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