Personal Injury Lawyers For Serious Auto Accidents

The most dangerous activity that a United States’ citizen engages in on a daily basis is driving or riding in an automobile.  All too frequently, driver error results in accidents that cause serious and even deadly injuries.  As should be evident from the excessive television commercials from major automobile insurance companies, selling automobile insurance is an extremely profitable endeavor.  Unfortunately, underpaying individuals injured as the result of a preventable accident is also part of the business model for these companies to remain extremely profitable.  Without a motor vehicle accident attorney, you will be pushed around and underpaid.  It really is that plain and that simple. 

Time Is Of The Essence

Evidence disappears. Witnesses forget. Deadlines expire. Call 412-281-4200 without delay to start the investigation. We represent victims and families of Allegheny County and surrounding Pennsylvania.

The personal injury lawyers at Perry Calder have decades of experience holding large trucking companies, corporations and insurance companies responsible for the damages and injuries caused by negligent drivers.  Our lawyers develop and present the full extent of those injuries and damages and have obtained record-setting verdicts and settlements in vehicle-related cases.  If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in an automobile or trucking case then you owe it to yourself to consult the auto accident attorneys at Perry Calder in Pittsburgh.

Get Full Value For Your Motor Vehicle Accident Case

In 30 years of helping accident victims, we have handled every type of traffic accident. Our auto accident lawyers are well-versed in the applicable laws and how insurance companies operate. We have doctors on our staff who can help us establish medical causation and calculate damages.

Read more about our experience in these cases:

Car Crashes

Your crash is over in an instant, but the consequences may lat for years. Talk to an attorney before signing any insurance waiver.

Commercial vehicles

An accident with a commercial truck often means devastating injuries or death. Gathering evidence quickly is crucial.

Bicyclists and pedestrians

Bike riders and pedestrians are vulnerable to severe injuries when they are hit. Such accidents can be life-changing and legally complex.

Motorcycle collisions

Motorcycle accidents often lead to serious injuries. Those who survive often face a long recovery, emotional upheaval and mounting medical bills.

Drunk driver accidents

Sadly, PA’s tough drunk driving laws do not always prevent drunk driving accidents. If you have been injured by a drunk driver, we can help.

Auto Insurance Claims

The nuances of Pennsylvania’s laws on auto-accident liability can be challenging to navigate. If you are injured, talk to an attorney right away.

We are at our best in cases involving fatal injuries or major injuries such as traumatic brain injury or paralysis, knowing that every dollar of compensation will matter to our clients in the coming years.

Free Consultations · Contingency Fee Representation

Our reputation for results begins with an assessment of your hardships and your needs. We deal with the legal and financial matters so that you can focus on healing and getting your life back on track. Meanwhile, we prepare your case for trial to put you in position for the maximum recovery of damages.

Please call our Pittsburgh office at 412-281-4200 or contact us online to arrange a free case evaluation.

Perry Calder, Experienced Auto Accident Lawyers In Pittsburgh

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