Paralysis Can Forever Change Your Life

When you experience paralysis, your loss is many-sided. It is impossible for any amount of financial compensation to make up for your injury and restore your health and life back to what it once was.

The personal injury and medical malpractice attorneys at Perry Calder genuinely want to help you deal with your tragedy and improve your life. Our team includes lawyers, doctors and multiple experts who focus on more than just your legal issues. Contact our Pittsburgh offices to arrange a free consultation with us at 412-281-4200.

Paralysis Injuries

Our lawyers deal primarily with victims who are suffering from serious injuries as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Most of our paralysis cases involve spinal cord trauma, but not all spinal cord injuries are immediately and traumatically induced. For example, the following can lead to paralysis:

  • A doctor’s failure to properly diagnose your back pain
  • A minor bulging disk that turns into a serious herniation and swelling around the spinal cord
  • Untreated post-op bleeding causing damage to the nerves

Extensive Medical Knowledge And Network Of Experts

Our law firm takes a multiple-expert approach to each paralysis case. We don’t just focus on medical malpractice or personal injury, but instead focus on how paralysis has affected your ability to live and take care of yourself.

We employ a wide range of medical experts, including some of the most prominent experts in the nation. Our experts in paralysis cases may include standard of care experts (such as orthopedic experts and neurosurgeons), rehabilitation experts, certified nurse/life-care planners, vocational experts and economists.

Concern For Your Financial Health Beyond Your Settlement

We are recognized for the services we provide our clients beyond a personal injury or medical malpractice case. We remain active in our clients’ lives long after their lawsuits are resolved, including:

  • Developing detailed and intensive life care plans
  • Identifying future financial burdens
  • Structuring their settlement so that they preserve their money in a well-balanced portfolio

We do all of this because we sincerely care what happens to our paralyzed clients. You are courageous. You have been through a lot and you deserve to be treated well.

Please contact our Pittsburgh paralysis attorneys by calling 412-281-4200 or by sending us an email.

Perry Calder, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Lawyers

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