Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice And Personal Injury Law Firm

Perry Calder’s access to up-to-date medical information makes it unique among Pittsburgh’s medical malpractice and personal injury law firms. We fully understand the complexities involved in evaluating medical malpractice and personal injury cases. For over 25 years, we have employed medical doctors and nurses who assist us in evaluating medical malpractice and personal injury cases. Dr. David Brown reviews medical records and engages in extensive medical research to provide our lawyers with a full understanding of the medical issues that arise in each case. Dr. Brown and our nurses assist our lawyers in unraveling a case’s complexities and assist in recruiting outstanding medical experts throughout the United States.

Our office maintains one of the largest medical libraries in western Pennsylvania. In addition, we have online access to important medical journals published throughout the world and to books housed in major university medical center libraries.

Our medical staff fully assists our lawyers in preparing cases for trial so that jurors can fully and completely understand the medical issues involved in each case.

Medical Research Team

  • David C. Brown, M.D. — Medical Research, Case Reviews
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Phone: 412-906-8102
    Toll Free: 800.440.5297
  • Shelley Caldwell, R.N. — Medical Research, Case Reviews
    Phone: 412-906-8102
    Toll Free: 800-440-5297

How Can We Help?

Contact Us412-281-4200