Tag: Misdiagnosis / Failure To Diagnose

Possibility of computers helping doctors reduce misdiagnoses

It is an uncomfortable feeling — knowing that there is something wrong with your health but fearful of knowing what it is. Residents in Pennsylvania and elsewhere rely on medical professionals to not only determine what is wrong with us but also to determine what the best course of treatment is. But a treatment plan is only as good as the diagnosis it is based off of, and when a doctor fails to properly diagnose a patient, he or she could suffer due to the wrong treatment plan and a delayed diagnosis.

What harms are caused by a misdiagnosis of Alzheimer’s?

Being told that you or a loved one has been diagnosed with an illness or disease with no known cure is not only devastating news, but is also likely information that will greatly change the life of the patient. Even if there is no known cure, a patient in Pennsylvania may be very open and optimistic about his or her options regarding the possible treatment plans offered to them. But what if these treatment plans hold serious risks? And what if the doctor did not properly diagnose the patient?

The failure to diagnose an imperforate anus is serious

The birth of a baby is always a much-anticipated and exciting event for families. Most babies are born healthy but occasionally a baby can suffer from a medical condition. Doctors who check these newborns in the hospital are trained to diagnose babies with many conditions, including an imperforate anus. But when a doctor fails to diagnose a condition it can lead to the baby having a serious injury.

Blood clots can be misdiagnosed

When a Pittsburgh resident goes to the doctor or to the ER with a medical condition they expect that they will receive a correct diagnosis. No one expects that their doctor will give them a wrong diagnosis or will suffer from failure to diagnose a serious condition. But, for thousands of patients this has become reality. One condition that is often misdiagnosed are blood clots.

Fatal result of misdiagnosis leads to $4.8 million award

The failure to diagnose the condition of a patient is the basis for many medical malpractice cases in Pennsylvania and in other states. One of the basic elements of a doctor’s responsibility to a patient is to follow medical standards in order to correctly diagnose a condition so that the patient can be properly treated. The accuracy of a doctor’s diagnosis can be critical.

Pennsylvania-based company being sued for misdiagnosis

A Washington woman has filed a lawsuit against Pennsylvania-based company Bio life Plasma Services for falsely telling her that she had HIV and hepatitis. The woman is suing the plasma donation company for $10,000, stating that the misdiagnosis led to a nightmare ordeal lasting 10 days. Bio life allegedly used 100 samples of blood that had been pooled for processing in order to make the diagnosis. The woman states that the mistake left her in a state of debilitating emotional distress.

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