Laboratory Negligence Leads to Misdiagnosis of Prostate Cancer and Needless Surgery

Following an elevated prostate specific antigen (“PSA”) test, Rosen Louik & Perry’s client was advised to have a biopsy of his prostate. Client followed the doctor’s recommendations and submitted to a stereotactic biopsy of his prostate. The tissue was removed by the local hospital and sent to a national laboratory for processing and pathology interpretation. The sample was reported as showing high grade carcinoma in situ requiring removal of the prostate. Unfortunately, client suffered known surgical complications of erectile dysfunction and incontinence. When the prostate was sent to pathology, no cancer was found. Client turned to Rosen Louik & Perry for answers. Rosen Louik & Perry lawyers were able to discover that a technician at the national laboratory had, due to carelessness, switched client’s slides with the slides from another client. The national laboratory denied the mix-up and forced the case to trial. The client’s Prostate cancer malpractice claim was litigated by our Pennsylvania Legal Malpractice Lawyers. Following a seven-day trial, a jury awarded client $4,500,000 and his wife $1,000,000 on her consortium claim.

If you or your family has experienced a cancer misdiagnosis, you’re not alone. Our firm is one of the best in Pennsylvania and truly cares about the wellbeing and health of our clients. For a free consultation and examination of your cancer misdiagnosis claim, contact us today.

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