Improper Wound Care Leads to Death

Medical Malpractice Leads to Settlement


Our client fell and was taken by ambulance to the emergency room. She was diagnosed with a right hip fracture and surgery was recommended. Prior to surgery, a skin evaluation was performed on our client showing she had an increased risk for skin breakdown. No preventative measures were taken to protect our client’s skin and surgery was performed on her right hip.

A few days after surgery, a skin wound was found on our client’s tailbone. A wound nurse was not consulted for 11 days after this finding, and our client’s wound was not properly treated. The wound eventually developed into sepsis and became life threatening. Our client succumbed to the sepsis more than three weeks after her initial hip surgery.

Our lawyers argued the hospital was negligent for not taking precautionary measures to protect our client’s skin prior to surgery and for not properly treating our client’s wound after the procedure. Rosen Louik & Perry resolved this matter out of court.

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