Breast Cancer Diagnosis Delayed 5 Years Due to Doctor Not Following Protocol

If, on a self-breast exam, a client has noted an abnormality in one breast and her doctor feels that breast and determines that there is a thickening the doctor is obligated to do special imaging studies. A screening mammogram is not enough. The doctor must do compression films as well as an ultrasound in order to determine what makes up the thickening. If still not conclusive, the doctor can do fine needle aspiration which for all intents and purposes is a non-invasive, non-destructive kind of test that provides a pathologic, or tissue, diagnosis. The physicians in this case did not follow these proven standards of care. Medical malpractice attorneys Rosen Louik & Perry represented the victim’s medical malpractice failure to diagnose breast cancer claim. Our client experienced a five-year delay in the diagnoses and treatment of a breast cancer lump, which was not properly diagnosed until it had spread to the liver. The case was settled for $950,000.00.

Were you or a loved-one afflicted with cancer because of misdiagnosis? Our firm is one of the most experienced in Allegheny County at handling medical malpractice claims. Request a free consultation to discuss your claim. Contact us to today to learn more.

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