Anesthesia Team Allows Client to Lose Airway

Multi-Million Dollar Medical Malpractice Settlement


Our client presented to the hospital for an elective knee surgery to reduce pain. While under anesthesia, our client suffered a cardiac arrest in the operating room that left him brain damaged.

Our law firm hired one of the leading anesthesiologist experts in the world who testified in court that our client’s anesthesia team allowed him to suffer a period of apnea — or a cessation of breathing — which lasted for several minutes. Our client’s cognitive impairment was so great that his wife was forced to place him in a full-time care facility. He requires assistance with virtually all of the activities of daily living.

Defendants made no offer and demanded a trial arguing their conduct was defensible. Rosen Louik & Perry litigated this case in court, and following destructive cross-examination of the defendant anesthesiologist and his experts, a multi-million dollars settlement that will pay for all of the client’s needs for the rest of his life was reached.

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