Young Girl Suffers Permanent Stomach Complications from Kid’s Meal

This young girl contracted a food borne illness, E-coli, from eating a Kid’s Meal at a popular fast-food restaurant. After the incident, the client suffered from the after-effects indicating gastric problems that required a very low-fat diet. The condition was permanent. The client experienced frequent severe stomach pain when she deviated from her strict diet due to the irreversible damage done to the pancreas. Rosen Louik & Perry, Pennsylvania Personal Injury Attorneys were able to prove that the E-coli was introduced via the negligence of the fast food. The case was settled for $950,000.00.

Our firm has years of experience representing clients in product negligence cases. Rosen, Loiouk & Perry maintain a skilled Medical Research Team to evaluate and determine any causes of sickness, injuries & impairments from faulty products or services and negligent businesses Call us today for a free evaluation of your claim and any rights you may have. Learn more about our Medical Research Team and find out how why their knowledge makes us one of the best Pennsylvania Personal Injury Attorney firms you’ll find.

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