Unnecessary Metal Component Of Coat Causes Severe Damage To Eye

This client bought a new coat at a department store which was equipped with an elastic drawstring with a metal cone-shaped object attached. This metal piece got caught under a person who sat next to client and released under tension when client stood up. The metal cone hit client in the eye. The client suffered traumatic hyphemia to the right eye, a contusion of the right eye, blood in the anterior chamber of the right eye, and a significant sectoral iris tear. Client was forced to undergo various surgical procedures and was left with permanent injury to her depth perception and permanent ocular damage. Defective product lawyers Rosen Louik & Perry of Pennsylvania pursued a product liability case against the national retailer as well as coat manufacturer. Plaintiff’s theory was that the cone-shaped metallic end attached to an elastic drawstring served no legitimate purpose but made the product unreasonably dangerous. Numerous, safer alternative designs were available. Rosen Louik & Perry secured experts who support this theory and thedefective product settlement case settled for $300,000.00.

If you would like one of our personal injury attorneys to review your defective product claim, call 800.440.5297 or e-mail our Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania office to arrange a free consultation and case evaluation.

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