Thoracic Surgeon Refuses to Treat Patient with Severe Symptoms

As the thoracic surgeon managing this case over the long term, the surgeon was in the best position to appreciate the potential for compounding complications of the mediastinal infection suffered by the client. Instead of seeing this client based on complaints of spinal problems, the surgeon sent the patient to an emergency room doctor. The less than acceptable nature of the emergency medicine doctor’s evaluation delayed proper diagnosis and treatment. With the client’s second plea to the attending thoracic surgeon, the client was again rejected, being sent for a useless test, rather than being seen by the thoracic surgeon with first-hand knowledge of the case. The patient was also not referred to a thoughtful spinal surgeon. With this strategy of putting the client off, not once but twice, the doctor failed the patient and was the principal reason that diagnosis was delayed beyond the time that surgical intervention would have been beneficial. There is no question that earlier diagnosis would have afforded this client a very substantial opportunity for successful surgical intervention. Rosen Louik & Perry, Pittsburgh malpractice lawyers, represented the client’s claim. Good care is not the ordering of tests rather than seeing the client; especially a client reporting such alarming symptoms. This case was settled for $400,000.00.

If you or your family has experienced a similar cosmetic procedure injury, you can trust that our firm is experienced in compassionately handling your cosmetic injury claim in Pittsburgh, PA. For a free consultation and examination of your cosmetic surgery injury claim, contact us today.

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