Patient’s Aneurysm Goes Untreated and Ruptures Resulting in Death

The client was admitted to the hospital complaining of severe right groin pain. At the time of the admittance, the client had a known history of an enlarging aortic aneurysm. This known aneurysm or a urologic complication were the obvious differential diagnoses for the client’s pain. A consulting urologist examined the client and ruled out a urologic problem. Inexplicably, a vascular surgeon did not examine the client at any time during admittance and the aneurysm, known to be expanding, was not evaluated. While under the care of the doctors in question, the client’s known aneurysm was allowed to rupture, and this 70 year old man died. Rosen Louik & Perry pursued a medical negligence claim for the client’s family. This case settled for $650,000.00. Medical negligence is a serious matter. Mistreated patients can have tragic injuries or even death. If you or a loved one has experienced medical negligence, don’t delay. Contact the law office of Rosen Louik & Perry today. Call us at 800-440-5297 or email for a free evaluation of your medical negligence attorney.

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