Patient Dies from Complications After Feeding Tube is Reinserted Incorrectly

A doctor attempted to reinsert a dislodged gastronomy feeding tube (G-tube), but the client began experiencing immediate pain as a result. An x-ray was performed and gastrografin was injected into the G-tube to make the x-ray visible. The doctor determined that the x-ray was negative and decided that nothing was wrong with the reinserted G-tube. Our client was later taken to a different hospital, where doctor’s determined that the G-tube was reinserted incorrectly. Our client had developed severe sepsis as a result of a buildup of gastrografin his abdominal cavity. Following emergency surgery, the client’s condition worsened as he developed multi-stem organ failure with disseminated intravascular coagulation, adult respiratory distress syndrome, and acute tubular necrosis. Life support was withdrawn given the client’s grave prognosis resulting in the client’s death. The case settled for $1,000,000.00.

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