Negligent Fistula Usage Leads to Death

Six Figure Medical Malpractice Settlement


Our client, a resident in a nursing home, underwent a construction of an arteriovenous fistula — a direct connection of an artery to a vein that aids in blood flow. Our client began receiving dialysis through his fistula two months after it was constructed.

A few months later, a scab overlying the fistula opened, triggering profuse bleeding. The scab was allowed to heal and dialysis was continued through the fistula. Two weeks following the initial bleeding, our client once again experienced profuse bleeding from his fistula and was once again treated.

When our client was started back up on dialysis two weeks later, he again bled profusely from the fistula and died as a result of a severe loss of blood. Our lawyers argued that our client’s medical providers should have discontinued dialysis through the fistula after the first occurrence of bleeding. Rosen Louik & Perry settled this case for six figures.

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