Negligent Administration of Drugs and Failure to Treat Symptoms Leave Patient Paraplegic

Our client, a 78-year old woman, presented to a hospital for a total hip replacement. Client was prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as an anti-coagulant medication, Lovenox. However, despite written warnings of the possibility of spinal hematoma with the use of Levenox in conjunction with spinal anesthesia and the further increased risk of a hematoma when steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are present, doctors proceeded with the administration of the medications and anesthesia. Upon beginning physical therapy, client’s motor functioning severely decreased but doctors and nurses ignored the client’s symptoms. Eventually doctors discovered a subdural spinal bleed.

Rosen Louik & Perry, malpractice lawyers in Allegheny County, proved in court that the negligent administration of the combination of these drugs and anesthesia and the failure to promptly diagnose and treat symptoms left client paraplegic. A trial jury returned a unanimous verdict in favor of the client, awarding her $ 3,500,000.00 in damages.

Hospital Error Negligence malpractice occurs every day in our hospitals and treatment center. If it’s happened to you or a loved one, you’re not alone. Rosen Louik & Perry will fight for you. For a free consultation, Call us today at 800.440.5297 today.

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