Negligence of Nurse Causes Cardiac Tamponade

Our expert doctor believed the client developed cardiac tamponade, a compression of the heart that occurs when blood or fluid builds up in the space between the myocardium (the muscle of the heart) and the pericardium (the outer covering sac of the heart), because the client’s mediastinal chest tube became obstructed. This can happen following open-heart surgery and can be difficult to detect. A frequent sign heralding tubal obstruction was seen in this client’s case: that is to say, an abrupt fall in the amount of blood draining via the chest tube. The nurse monitoring the client failed to recognize this extreme drop thereby failing to adhere to the standard of care. The client filed a medical negligence lawsuit with the help or Rosen Louik & Perry, The Caring Lawyers. This case settled for $970,000.00.

Have you or a family member had a similar medical negligence experience? If so, know that Rosen Louik & Perry have a tremendous amount of experience in dealing with these types of malpractice cases in the Pittsburgh area. To receive a free consultation about your claim, contact us now.

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