Negligence of Hardware Store Owner Results in Fatal Shooting of Police Officer

A local police officer pulled over a car for a routine traffic stop in a very rural Pennsylvania town. Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer was fatally shot by a teenage occupant of the vehicle. The gun used in the killing had been stolen from a hardware store and sold to the killer. The client’s family consulted Personal Injury Attorneys Rosen Louik & Perry of Pittsburgh PA to represent their wrongful death claim. Rosen Louik & Perry lawyers were able to prove that the hardware store owner was negligent in his safekeeping of firearms, thereby permitting the theft. The case was vigorously defended until Rosen Louik & Perry lawyers were able to extract damning admissions from the store owner during his deposition. Within a month, the case settled for insurance policy limits.

Have you or a family member suffered a similar tragedy? If so, know that Rosen Louik & Perry have a tremendous amount of experience in dealing with these wrongful death claim cases in the Pittsburgh area. To receive a free consultation about your claim, contact us now.

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