Man Permanently Disabled after Doctors Ignore Symptoms

Our client was admitted to the hospital with sharp pains in the chest, neck and shoulders. He was diagnosed with an acute myocardial infarction and sent home. As the condition of the client worsened, the spouse kept calling and discussing the symptoms with the doctors. The doctors told the spouse that this was expected and ignored the request for help by the spouse. The client ultimately collapsed. The client exhibited neurologic abnormalities consistent with anoxic brain damage and suffered multiple cardio-pulmonary arrests. The client will need lifetime medical assistance and cannot function independently. Pittsburgh Malpractice firm Rosen Luik & Perry represented the failure to diagnose heart attack case. The case settled for $800,000.00.

If an incorrect or delayed diagnosis has harmed you or a loved one, you can turn to Rosen Louik & Perry, The Caring Lawyers. We offer a free phone consultation to all new clients. Email or call us today at 1-800-440-5297.

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