Failure to Review Fetal Monitoring Strips Results in Severe Cerebral Palsy

Rosen Louik & Perry was contacted seventeen years after client’s birth by client’s mother. Over the years, five different law firms had reviewed client’s case but all had declined to pursue an action on client’s behalf. With the intent of filing a birth injury malpractice claim, Rosen Louik & Perry obtained client’s medical records obtained client’s medical records including the original fetal monitoring strips that had never been reviewed. Based on those fetal monitoring strips, Rosen Louik & Perry commenced an action against the obstetrician as well as the hospital responsible for client’s delivery. Although more than 17 years had passed since the negligence occurred, the action was still viable under Pennsylvania’s Minor Tolling Statute. Client had severe cerebral palsy and her mother raised her with little financial assistance but managed to graduate client from high school. Weeks before trial, this case settled for $4,070,000.00

Cerebral Palsy affects every aspect of your child’s life. If you believe birth injury malpractice was responsible, contact Rosen Louik & Perry. No family should suffer alone. We will fight for you. Learn more about birth injuries and cerebral palsy malpractice.