Failure to Diagnosis Bilateral Compartment Syndrome Leads to Amputation of Left Leg

Following surgery to repair our minor-client’s coronary artery and replace his aortic valve, doctor’s determined that the minor-client was suffering from marginal cardiac output with significant signs of low output, post-operative renal failure, pancreatitis, vascular compartment syndrome to both legs, and significant thrombocytopenia. The minor-client began experiencing tenderness in both calves. Soon thereafter, it was discovered that the minor-client had an occluded right external iliac artery. A thrombectomy was performed on the artery and extensive fasciotomies on the muscles. The minor-client was transferred to a different hospital where he was treated for bilateral compartment syndrome in his legs. Given the tenderness of the minor-client’s legs in conjunction with his subsequent health conditions post-operative, had the minor-client’s doctors noticed the poor circulation to the minor-client’s legs, the amputation of his left leg below the knee could have been avoided. The case settled for $4,750,000.00.

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