Emergency Room Doctor’s Failure to Assess Symptoms Leads to Death

Medical Malpractice Settlement for Several Million Dollars


Our client underwent a procedure to remove internal hemorrhoids. Two days later, our client was unable to urinate and his initial surgeon instructed him to report to the nearest emergency department. At the emergency room, the doctor in question found our client to be orthostatic hypotensive — a condition characterized by an excessive fall in blood pressure when an upright position is assumed — and his bloodwork revealed significant white blood count abnormalities and potential kidney functioning problems.

Inexplicably, our client was released from the emergency room with a catheter to help him urinate and was never given a diagnosis. Our client returned to the emergency room the next day due to progressive weakness and dizziness. Doctor’s determined our client was suffering from multi-organ system failure and a pelvic infection. He eventually went into cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead.

Our lawyers alleged the emergency room doctor negligently failed to locate the reason our client’s blood tests returned abnormal results; had he done so, prompt treatment may have saved our client’s life. Rosen Louik & Perry settled this case for several million dollars.

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