Coumadin Anti-Coagulation Medicine Reaches Extreme Levels Causing Severe Stroke

This 83-year old client had an angio plastic procedure in the left leg due to developing ulcers on three of the toes. The client was placed on Coumadin to prevent blood clots, but the client’s doctors failed to perform follow-up blood testing. Without laboratory monitoring, client progressed to a state of extreme anti-coagulation. As a result of client’s doctors’ failure to monitor blood work and Coumadin levels, client suffered a cerebellar hemorrhagic stroke from too high a dose of Coumadin. Rosen Louik & Perry of Pittsburgh, PA argued a medical malpractice death claim for the family of the client. This case settled for $1,400,000.00, an amount in excess of insurance coverage.

If you or your family has experienced similar side effects from improperly managed medication, you can trust that our firm is experienced in compassionately handling your claim in Pennsylvania. Learn more about medication malpractice errors.

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