Client’s Baby Kidnapped after Hospital Fails to Follow Safety Protocols

Medical Malpractice Settlement for Six Figures


Our clients, the proud parents of a newborn baby, were waiting at the hospital for their infant to be discharged. A woman who was posing as a nurse for the hospital informed our clients that one final checkup was to be performed and then the baby would be discharged.

This woman, who had no affiliation with the hospital, instead kidnapped the infant and left the hospital with the child. A police manhunt began and the woman was found with the baby five hours later, miles away from the hospital. The baby was returned to the hospital and was found to have no complications.

Our lawyers argued the hospital violated its own protocols regarding security measures. Had these protocols been followed, the baby would have remained safely at the hospital. Our clients suffered severe emotional distress as a result of the kidnapping. Rosen Louik & Perry settled this case for six figures.

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